Frequently Asked Questions


Why Should I Hire You?

At Three Arrows, we are passionate about small business. We strongly believe that they are the backbone of America. As small business owners ourselves, we recognize how difficult this road can be. Small business owners are fearless leaders that often take on way more than they can handle. Time and time again we’ve seen a small business fail because they just didn’t want to, or couldn’t afford to hire any help. As an independent contractor, you aren’t going to go broke hiring us. We can take the place of a full or part time employee or we can just focus on projects that have a deadline you know you won’t have the time to make.


What is a Virtual Administrative Consultant?

Virtual Administrative Consultant is a fancy word for a Virtual Assistant. This term applies to VAs that are more than assistants, they are capable of changing your business. We have the specific ability to streamline and analyze your process to see if we can help you improve in your weak areas— strengthening your bottom line.


What is your hourly rate?

Well, that varies based on project, but as a rough estimate we charge between $20-30 an hour. Keep in mind that instead of being your employee, you are our customer. One hour of our billed time shows results that you probably won’t get from three hours of work from an unmotivated employee. Plus, if we mess up, we make sure that you are justly compensated— if an employee messes up, you still have to pay them their full wage!